According to their website ArchiAfrika organisation aims to achieve the following in the feild of African Architecture:
- "... To collect data on African Architecture: by designing or adopting (from Docomomo, Icomos, Unesco, etc.) methodologies as basis for a database, by producing databases on accessible sources (literature, internet etc.) and by making field studies through universities, (governmental) institutions and private parties..."
- "...To make these databases and information world wide accessible and to rouse interest for African Architecture by, for instance, (re-)write the history of African Architecture, by launching a web site, by assisting university courses, by organizing and holding symposia and by organising exhibitions..."
- "...To facilitate African architects and architectural institutions in the study, analysis and documentation of African Architecture, as well to supportthem in the development of their own work and the exhibition of this. We will also attempt to introduce African Architecture into contemporary discussion and practice of western Architecture..."