Monday, August 22, 2005

Wildlife Works rammed earth EcoFactory Rukinga, Kenya

Located in the Rukinga Wildlife Sanctuary the ecofactory is constructed mainly out of rammed earth a result of a Wildlife Works collaboration with Rammed Earth works to "..train a construction crew and contractor for a master-planned sewing facility located within a private game sanctuary on the Rukinga Ranch near Voi Town.."

"...To build the EcoFactory's two buildings, we employed 150 local people for two years. We chose a novel and very environmentally friendly construction technique known as Rammed Earth, and our construction team learned the skill of building thick, rammed-earth walls that keep the temperature constant and cool inside, no matter how hot it gets outside.

The beauty of this eco-friendly solution is that it uses mostly soil from the site and doesn't require any wood in construction of the walls, demand for which puts more pressure on the already depleted forests in Kenya.."

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