A cutting edge Bio degradable Insulation for Construction and other purposes has appeared in the market.Their website says "...Greensulate™ is an affordable, environmentally-friendly drop-in replacement for the expanded polystyrene used in cavity walls and structural insulating panels.
Greensulate™ is produced from natural byproducts, such as buckwheat hulls and cotton burrs, without heat or light input. With superior strength and comparable insulating properties, Greensulate™ insulation helps you reduce the amount of energy used to build your home, and increases your efficiency over the long haul..."
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
interesting I had never heard of this:)
I wonder how durable this Bio degradable Insulation is?
together we can build a greener and safer Africa. Thanks very much for sharing!
Do you have any information about making this insulation your self? I would like a do it yourself guide to biodegradable insulation
Thanks for sharing information in your blog .
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